Mintur s.r.o.

Explore the Wonders of Slovakia

Our goal is to provide unforgettable experiences and professional services that meet the expectations of our clients.

We have more than 4 years of experience in organizing corporate travel and individual stays in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.



Czech Republic


Specialists in corporate tours in Slovakia

Welcome to the website of our travel agency, specializing in organizing corporate tours in Slovakia. Our goal is to provide unforgettable experiences and professional services that meet the expectations of our clients.

  • Surrounding destinations

    In addition to corporate events, we also offer the opportunity to visit nearby cities such as Vienna, Budapest, Zakopane, and Krakow, enriching your travel with additional fascinating destinations.

  • Hotel packages

    Our agency also focuses on offering hotel packages for families, couples, and individuals in Slovakia. We provide services such as ticket booking, personal transportation, travel insurance, and the creation of customized itineraries tailored to your specific requirements.

  • Complete travel services

    With us, you can count on high-quality service and a personalized approach to every client. We look forward to working with you and helping you create unforgettable travel experiences!

Individual approach, unforgettable experiences

With us you can be sure of quality service and individual approach to each client. We look forward to working with you and helping you create unforgettable travel experiences!

Perfektní organizace a skvělý servis! Díky této agentuře jsme si užili firemní cestu bez starostí. Určitě využijeme znovu!

    Martin K.
    Martin K.

    Hotelové balíčky byly skvěle sestavené, vše odpovídalo našim požadavkům. Cestování s touto agenturou bylo pohodlné a bez problémů!

      Petra S.
      Petra S.

      Profesionální přístup, skvělá komunikace a dobře naplánované itineráře. Doporučuji všem, kdo chtějí bezstarostně objevovat ČR a SR!

        Jan M.
        Jan M.

        Cestovní agentura nám pomohla s letenkami, ubytováním i dopravou. Vše proběhlo hladce a přesně podle domluvy. Skvělá zkušenost!

          Eva R.
          Eva R.

          Begin Your New Life Experience With Exploring New Destination

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          • Destination
          • Accomodation
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          Do you have questions about our services? We have prepared answers to the most common questions about our tours, transportation and guide services. If you do not find the answer, do not hesitate to contact us!

          Read Our Latest Travel Blog & Tips Here

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